Williams, P.A. 2021. Using Irregular Shelterwood Systems to Optimize Value Growth In Southern Ontario Maple Forests. Proceedings 1st Northern Hardwood Forest Conference, 2021 June 15-16, Green Bay, WI:
Video Presentation for Northern Hardwood Forest Conference
Williams, P.A., Karandiuk, C. 2016. Planning for and Implementing an Emerald Ash Borer-Induced Forest Restoration Program in Municipal Woodlands in Oakville, Ontario. In Kabrick, John M.; Dey, Daniel C.; Knapp, Benjamin K.; Larsen, David R.; Shifley, Stephen R.; and Stezler, Henry E. eds Proceedings 20th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, 2016 March 28-April 1, Columbia, MO: Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station P 167: pp 248-256
Williams, P.A. 2014, Salvaging Ash from Urban Woodlands in Southern Ontario (Abstract). In: Groeninger, John W.; Holzmueller, Eric J.; Nielson, Clayton K.; and Dey, Daniel C. eds Proceedings 19th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2014 March 10-12; Carbondale Il. Newton Square, PA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station; PA 387.
Williams, P.A.; McNeil, J.W.; Gottschalk, K.W.; Haack, R.A. 2012. Managing an Oak Decline Crisis in Oakville, Ontario: Lessons Learned. In: Miller, G.W., Schuler, T.M.; Gottschalk, K.W.; Brooks, J.R.; Grushecky, S.T.; Spong, B.D.; Rentch, J.S., eds. Proceedings, 18th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2012 March 26-28; Morgantown, WV: Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-117. Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: pp 192-207.
Williams, P.A., Schwan, T. 2012. Managing Ash in Farm Woodlots, Some Recommended Prescriptions. In: Miller, G.W.; Schuler, T.M.; Gottschalk, K.W.; Brooks, J.R.; Gruschecky, S.T. et al., eds. Proceedings 18th Central Hardwood Forest Conference, 2012 March 26-28, Morgantown, WV: Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-117. Newton Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: pp 208-218.