Founded on sound teaching and extension experience at the University of Guelph, Williams & Associates has developed and implemented effective communications as well as education materials tailored for their client needs. These have been effectively created for a range of simple to complex topics. Materials and presentations are designed for all kinds of audiences: youth, the general public, landowners, loggers, farmers, professionals and scientists. Here are some examples of work and publications already produced:
Extension and in-service training courses:
- Forest soil/site interpretations for the O.M.N.R. Ecological Land Classification Field Staff
- Introduction to Forest Soils (O.M.N.R.)
- Forest Soils & Silviculture Workshop (sponsored by the O.P.F.A.)
- Managing For Oak Decline, A Workshop for Managers of Oak Forests
- Sustainable Harvest Systems (Business management and low impact harvest workshop for loggers) – 2006, 2004, 2003.
- Skidder Bridge Loan Program
- Author, OWA Extension Note: “Careful Logging practices: Selecting the Right Harvesting Equipment” (2010)
- Woodlot Management Training Course for Landowners
- Woodlot Tour for Farmers – 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010.
- Numerous workshops and tours for the Ontario Woodlot Association, Stewardship councils
- Gypsy Moth Workshop – Town of Oakville 2007, City of London 2008.
- Technical Steering Committee for “A Landowner’s Guide to Careful Logging Practices” (2008)
- Draft author of “A Landowner’s Guide to Careful Logging Practices” Workshop Series (2009)
- CFIA retained W&A to organize and deliver two workshops in southern Ontario (Kingston and Orillia) to provide scientific and practical information on EAB and associated ash management to practitioners (i.e, municipal and private sectors) 2014
Citizen Arborist Study Guide
Client: Int. Soc. Arboriculture/Tree Plan Canada
Forestry Training Course for Landowners
Client: OATI & the Waterloo/Wellington Woodlot Owners’ Association
Edited & Published:
Key to Silvicultural Treatments for Common Southern Ontario Stand Types
Client: Waterloo Stewardship Network and the O.M.N.R.